On the contrary, if you find dungeons like Spires of Ascension too bright, you can find a macro to reduce brightness here. run local c = "Contrast" local m = GetCVar ( c ) if tonumber ( m )>= 100 then m = 50 else m = m +8 end SetCVar ( c, m ) print ( "Contrast:", m ) / run local g = "Gamma" local m = GetCVar ( g ) if tonumber ( m )>= 2.75 then m = 1 else m = m +0.25 end SetCVar ( g, m ) print ( "Gamma:", m ) You could also merge them into a single macro if you don't want to adjust contrast/gamma separately. After clicking them 8 times, it will reset back to default ( contrast = 50, gamma =1). Gamma Macro / run local g = "Gamma" local m = GetCVar ( g ) if tonumber ( m )>= 2.75 then m = 1 else m = m +0.25 end SetCVar ( g, m ) print ( "Gamma:", m )Ĭlicking the macros individually will increase your contrast/gamma settings. Tyrsenus created two macros to increase brightness in dark zones.Ĭontrast Macro / run local c = "Contrast" local m = GetCVar ( c ) if tonumber ( m )>= 100 then m = 50 else m = m +8 end SetCVar ( c, m ) print ( "Contrast:", m )
If your computer is located in a bright room and you're finding it difficult to navigate through darker zones of Shadowlands, mainly the Maw and Torghast, here is a macro to make them brighter.